Cuatro Días (tres noches) Solo Mujeres


An energetically healing retreat for women can offer a range of benefits that contribute to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some potential advantages:

  1. Stress Reduction: Energetic healing practices, such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, can help reduce stress levels. Retreats provide a supportive environment where women can learn and practice techniques to manage stress effectively.
  2. Emotional Healing: Many women face emotional challenges, and a healing retreat can provide a safe space to explore and release emotions. Therapeutic activities, group discussions, and one-on-one sessions can contribute to emotional healing and growth.
  3. Renewed Energy and Vitality: Energetic healing practices aim to balance and restore the body’s energy. Participants often report feeling revitalized, with increased energy levels and a sense of inner balance after engaging in healing retreat activities.
  4. Connection and Support: Retreats offer an opportunity for women to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar experiences and challenges. This sense of community and support can be empowering and contribute to personal growth.
  5. Mind-Body Connection: Energetic healing emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. Retreat activities such as yoga and meditation can help participants strengthen the mind-body connection, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.
  6. Empowerment: Women may leave a healing retreat with a greater sense of empowerment, having gained insights into their own strengths and capabilities. Workshops and activities focused on empowerment can inspire confidence and self-love.
  7. Clarity and Self-Discovery: Retreats provide an opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. Through various healing modalities, women can gain clarity on their life path, priorities, and personal goals.
  8. Holistic Health Improvement: Energetic healing often addresses not only emotional and spiritual aspects but also physical well-being. Retreats may include activities that promote healthy eating, physical exercise, and overall lifestyle improvements.
  9. Enhanced Creativity: Many women find that engaging in energetic healing practices can unlock creativity. Retreats may incorporate activities that encourage creative expression, helping participants tap into their artistic and innovative potentials.
  10. Tools for Continued Self-Care: Participants can learn practical tools and techniques during the retreat that they can integrate into their daily lives. This can include meditation practices, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques for ongoing self-care.

It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the effectiveness of a healing retreat can depend on factors such as the program content, facilitators, and the willingness of participants to engage in the process.


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Programa de retiro

1 día. 8 de marzo
16:00 Llegada.
16:30 Charla con mentores y conocerse
17:00 Organización conjunta del Altar Sagrado y ofrenda de frutos
18:00 Círculo Femenino “Loto Blanco”. Ceremonia de Apertura y Práctica Artística
19:00 Te y frutas

22:00 Sueño ?

Dia 2 9 de marzo
7:00 Despertar
7:30 meditación al amanecer y práctica de respiración
8:00 práctica de gratitud
8:15 yoga
9:30 desayuno

12:00 sesión de sanación «Constelaciones psicológicas»
14:00 almuerzo

15:30 prácticas meditativas en la playa, trabajo con los elementos

18:00 cena
19:00 Círculo de mujeres junto al fuego + integración con Nelson y ceremonia de rape.

22:00 sueño curativo ?

Día 3 10 de marzo
7:00 Despertar “Tiempo de Dios”
7:30 meditación al amanecer y práctica de respiración
8:00 práctica de gratitud
8:15 yoga
9:30 desayuno

12:00 trabajo con arquetipos femeninos
14:00 almuerzo

15:00-17:00 tiempo de descanso
17:30 meditación danza femenina
19:00 Ceremonia sagrada de Ayahuasca

Día 4 11 de marzo
8:00 despierta
8:30 prácticas de yoga y respiración
9:30 desayuno
10:00 integración con maestros
12:00 finalización del retiro del Loto Blanco, práctica de gratitu